Architecture Workshop — Every summer in Copenhagen
2025 dates coming soon
2024 Comte/Meuwly, LLRRLLRR, Point Supreme
2023 Allan Wexler, MacIver-Ek Chevroulet, PARABASE
The workshop exists to integrate climate consciousness with practical adaptivity and design alchemy. Participants arrive with no prior knowledge about the materials they will have access to, or what the outcome of their projects will be. The intention is to encourage doing as a way of thinking by sketching in space at full scale –feeling the weight of timber, the stacking of bricks, and the hanging nature of fabrics, as methods for exploration. Mistakes and failures are essential design tools, considered as initial iterations and useful information.
The workshop begins with an opening exhibition, displaying the “waste” material that has been accumulated in anticipation of the workshop. Opening talks introduce the core themes and topics, before the participants are divided into groups, where they jump into analog creative exercises and become familiar with each other. There is a day for observing “The Everyday” in Copenhagen, and a day for reading and media assigned by each workshop leader, before starting the core workshop days. The group structure is inclusive and non-hierarchical, with the workshop leaders working closely with participants, shoulder to shoulder.
Read more about the 2023 projects in our Archive, and read about our upcoming edition happening in August 2024.
Reach out to if you are interested in becoming a sponsor, partner or advisor, and would like to help the workshop stay independent and accessible.
Paraply Workshop 2023 — 100 Years, The Everyday
Paraply Workshop 2023 — 100 Years, The Everyday