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15–23 August, 2024

Applications for 2024 closed at 23:59 CEST on Friday, 7 June 2024. The 2025 edition will be announce in the winter.
The goal of the workshop is to address the transformation of the field of architecture toward creative and resourceful practices with a spirit of renewal. We will explore adaptivity and resourcefulness, expressing the value of everyday and discarded objects through hands-on design “alchemy”. We have invited 3 international architects to host the workshop. They will each use their unique experience in teaching and practice to guide a group of 40 participants through a collaborative exploration of the architecture of the everyday. The workshop will offer an environment in which participants work closely with workshop leaders, engaging interactively with its key themes. A series of talks, collective meals and observations of the city are woven into the programme, culminating in a final exhibition. We will have access to post-consumer materials, as well as building components.

DRIFT, Paraply 2023

The workshop will take place in Copenhagen, near the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Art campus. Large interior and open floors will allow participants to spread out their ideas into direct spatial experiments. The work will engage with the space in its totality, including its history and future identity. The results of the workshop will come together in the curation of an exhibition that will open immediately after ending. Materials and tools will be provided at the workshop location. 

Starting on Thursday afternoon, the workshop will offer an intense 9 day programme, ending on the following Friday evening. There will be 3 days of preparation, 5 days of hands-on work, and 1 day for final reviews and reflective conversations. The programme is oriented around an effort to enhance the voices and design process of all participants. We would like to acknowledge the benefits of pairing productive sessions with contemplative moments – Time to explore the places around the city are of great importance to the workshop. All participants will follow the same programme structure. Daily programme details, themes and outcomes will be set by each workshop leader separately, creating three distinct experiences within the same workshop.

2024 Dates
Application Window: Monday, May 6 - Friday, June 7
Paraply Workshop: Thursday, August 15 - Friday, August 23

Observing the Everyday in Copenhagen

The workshop is designed for architecture students roughly between the second year of bachelor (undergrad) and before the final diploma or capstone project of the masters (graduate) degree. Applications are also open to designers and artists. You do not currently need to be enrolled at a university, you may be between degrees or between work experiences. There are 50 open spaces.

Workshop Leaders
The three workshop leaders for 2024 will be Point Supreme, Comte/Meuwly and LLRRLLRR. We select prominent architects, designers and artists, who have teaching experience, hands-on material knowledge and climate consciousness. Participants will have the opportunity to request their first, second and third choice before being divided into three groups of 13-14. Workshop leaders and participants will arrive with no prior knowledge of what building materials will be available. Workshop leaders will help guide the iterative and instinctive design methodology, shoulder-to-shoulder with the participants. Each participant will remain with their workshop leader for the majority of the programme. The workshop leaders will form a review team on the final day, giving participants the opportunity to discuss their work with other workshop leaders.

Guest Lecturers
Each day will feature a guest lecturer on a topic related to the workshop. 

Our priority is to make the workshop accessible and equitable to all applicants. There will be a 160€ attendance fee to help the Paraply Association team fund the workshop. The fee will include 5 community meals throughout the workshop. Participants will be required to coordinate their own accommodation and transportation in Copenhagen. There may be a network of student apartments available for rent. By submitting this application, you commit to paying the fee if you are selected.

What To Expect
Bring working clothes. This is a hands on workshop with dust and fabrics and pieces of wood. We embrace mistakes and failure as important parts of the creative process. We intentionally share limited information before arriving. This helps everyone arrive on a level platform, and work from intuition. We don’t want over preparation. We want iterative responses. We don’t want precise drawings. We want sketching in space. The outcome of the workshop is unpredictable. It is up to each individual to shape the experience within the framework established by each workshop leader. Fear and control are factors that inhibit action. As individuals, we must face the challenges of our time with agency, not restriction. We must be unafraid to delve into unknown spaces and work from curiosity. This workshop is an opportunity to enter an unusual educational space.

Please email paraplyschool@gmail.com if you have any questions during the application process. We look forward to receiving your information.

Paraply School

Philip De Langes Allé 10
1435 Copenhagen
@paraply on Instagram

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